Musicoterapia Scholarship Awardees

Meet Gabriella | 2023 Musicoterapia Scholarship Awardee 

In the heart of the Rio Grande Valley, where Tex-Mex culture thrives, Gabriella De La Garza, an aspiring music therapist, is making an impact through her internship at the RGV Music Therapy and Wellness Center. Raised in Mission, Texas, Gaby's decision to return to her roots for her internship not only reflects her love for her community but also her commitment to sharing the transformative power of music therapy.

Gaby's journey began at Sam Houston State University, where she discovered her passion for music therapy. The warmth and friendliness of the music therapy department at Sam drew her in, and she embraced the opportunity to delve into a field where she could combine her love for music with a desire to make a positive impact. During her senior year, Gaby selected an internship that would allow her to work with her community in the Rio Grande Valley and serve a predominantly Hispanic population. Her internship experience has exposed her to a diverse array of musical styles, including traditional mariachi pieces, Spanish folk songs, and even Spanish versions of popular tunes like "Remember Me" from Coco. 

“I've noticed in the Rio Grande Valley in Hispanic culture that a lot of people get scared to go to therapy, because they don't want to be seen as ‘loco’ or crazy or that there's something wrong with them.” Gaby has been able to connect with clients through culturally relevant music and music therapy. “I’ve been able to share that music therapy is available for them, and that they're not crazy, we all need therapy in some way.”

After graduation she plans to continue working in the Rio Grande Valley and advocating for the integration of music therapy into the local community. She hopes to dispel misconceptions about therapy, especially in Hispanic cultures, where seeking help can be stigmatized. Gaby’s journey embodies the essence of the Musicoterapia Scholarship where recipients are bringing music therapy, coupled with genuine cultural understanding, to bridge communities and foster healing.

Meet Silvino | 2023 Musicoterapia Scholarship Awardee 

Originally from Cypress, Texas Silvino describes himself as Hispano-hablante (Spanish speaking) and a first-generation student from a family of immigrants. He is classically trained in voice and is currently completing his music therapy internship at Texas Children’s Hospital under the supervision of Marial Biard, MM, MT-BC, NMT-F.

Silvino discovered music therapy when he was transferring from his two-year community college. When he perused the course catalog at Sam Houston State University and found music therapy, he was intrigued. Knowing that he wanted to pursue something in music and that teaching did not speak to him, he chose to study music therapy. 

Silvino transferred at the height of the COVID pandemic and so had an interesting introduction to music therapy through virtual classes and practicums. When he was finally able to complete his third practicum in person with elders in a memory care facility, that’s when it clicked. Patients’ family members were able to visit the unit and could see the impact that music therapy had on their loved ones. As Silvino describes it, “being able to see the effect that music therapy had on patients was a turning point in my degree”.

Now, looking forward, Silvino will finish his internship at Texas Children’s Hospital in July. While there Silvino has done incredible work. He completed an extensive case study to demonstrate the effectiveness of music therapy for one of his patients. And, he has plans to begin a pilot program at the hospital to serve caregivers from Latin backgrounds through music therapy. 

Silvino’s passion and drive for this profession are evident when you hear him discuss music therapy. Silvino expressed gratitude for the Musicoterapia scholarship stating that it is the best support he has received during his undergraduate career.

Meet Esmeralda | First Musicoterapia Scholarship Awardee

Esmeralda was born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and immigrated with her mother to the United States when she was two years old. She recently became a U.S. citizen! Esmeralda’s mother raised her in Austin, TX  and shares her passion for music and singing. While Esmeralda’s primary instrument is the flute, through her coursework in music therapy, she has developed her piano and guitar skills. To encourage the development of her guitar skills and deepen her connection to her Mexican heritage, Esmeralda started a Mariachi band with her friends and they tour around Houston sharing their love of music with others. You can follow them on Instagram @mariachidelbosque.

Esmeralda found her way to music therapy after learning more about psychology and witnessing the impact music had in her own family when her loved ones were sick. She knew she wanted to use music to help others. The Musicoterapia scholarship impacts Esmeralda greatly and means that she now has the ability to continue on with her studies at Sam Houston State University. Esmeralda has worked tirelessly to put herself through college taking classes while also working at Home Depot as a Customer Service Representative. This scholarship will help Esmeralda pay for housing and tuition and allows her to continue on her path to becoming a great bi-lingual music therapist!